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Read the summary of these changes.
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The Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VDDHH) is the state agency charged with the regulation of sign language interpreters. Click here to read the powers and duties of this department as outlined in Virginia code. VDDHH provides certification for interpreters and maintains a directory of qualified interpreters. The proposed regulatory changes will have the following affects on interpreters:
The Interpreter's Guild is opposed to these regulatory changes. In accordance with the Regulatory Process, we have requested that the revisions be suspended for thirty days to give time for another open meeting. This thirty day suspension was granted from September 24th 2001 to October 24, 2001. The Guild has taken our prepared comments to VDDHH and are awaiting further action.
Read Michelle Efird's letter dated August 2, 2001 to VDDHH regarding these changes. Copies were also sent to Governor Gilmore, Lt. Governor Hager, Delegate O'Bannon, and Senator Stosch.
Read Louis Rossiter's response dated August 29, 2001. Louis F. Rossiter is the Secretary of Health and Human Resources.
Read the minutes of the Guild's first meeting, July 30, 2001
Virginia Department of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing